Charming Calibrachoa


Calibrachoa is a prolific, delightful evergreen perennial prized for continuous blooms from spring until winter.  Also known as Million Bells, they have a compact, mounding, trailing form with abundant one inch cup-shaped blossoms resembling small petunias. The plant comes in an abundance of colors, in solids and two-tones, stripes, patterns, and stunning double blooms, resembling tiny roses.  They are outstanding performers cascading in containers, hanging baskets, window boxes and over garden walls as well as in garden beds.  They range from 6–12 “ tall to 12–24” wide.  They were first introduced in the 1990s and are native to South America. 

They thrive in rich, well-drained soil with regular water in full sun, although they can tolerate part sun conditions.   Periodically clip back a percentage of the plant (20-30%) throughout the season to keep it from becoming leggy or woody and to encourage new branching.  Since it is such a prolific bloomer, regular feeding is recommended with an all-purpose fertilizer, especially when growing in a container.   They require no deadheading.    Although deer appear to leave them alone, they are not formally classified as deer resistant.  They attract butterflies and hummingbirds. There are too many beautiful ones for us to even suggest a favorite!


Heavenly Heuchera


Crazy About - Berzelia