Roses: Wondrous Whites

‘Sugar Moon’

Bright white:  Hybrid Tea; 5’-6’ Height:  Petal Count 30-35; Very Fragrant

Roses:  Wonderous Whites 

Roses are a great way to bring season-long color to your garden.  Adding white to your garden will enhance your design, theme, or style. The color represents purity, innocence and integrity:  it is restful and calming.  It can help accentuate the palette you have or add a restful break in an abundance of colors. 

We have a wide selection of white roses ranging from creamy white to bright white. Here are some of our favorites.


‘Full Sail’

Creamy white:  Hybrid Tea; 3’-5’ Height; Petal Count 30-35; Intensely Fragrant 

An image of the white to pink blushed white rose variety 'Top Cream'

‘Top Cream’

Creamy white w/ pink blush; Hybrid Tea; 6’ Height; Petal Count 100; Very Fragrant 

‘Easy Spirit’

Creamy white; Hybrid Tea; 6’ Height; Petal Count 30-40; Very Fragrant


Pure white – Floribunda, Tree, Climber: 4’ Height; Petal Count 30-40; Mildly Fragrant

We order roses in fall and receive them as bareroot at the end of December.  The best selection is available during January and February.  We often sell out of favorites early in the season. 

• We thank both Week’s Roses and Star Roses for their contributions of these images and descriptions.


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Coddling Moth - Holey Apples!