Ravishing Ranunculus 

an image of mixed colored Ranunculus flowers

Ravishing Ranunculus

Ranunculus are cool season flowers that bloom spectacularly in Spring.  They are a wonderful flower with a rose-like blossom and are often cut and used by florists and for wedding bouquets.  Their colors range from shades of cream and pale yellow to pink, orange, red and burgundy.  Bicolor combinations are especially charming. They are great companion plants with other Spring flowers.   

In the Bay Area we have the option to either plant the corms/bulbs in the fall (stocked in September/October) or wait for fully budded and blooming plants which are available from early February on.  Whichever you choose, once they begin to bloom, they will continue to provide flowers for 4 to 6 weeks.  They like well-drained soil and full sun.   The cool coastal weather of the Bay Area provides perfect conditions for them to thrive.   Being a perennial, they can be left in the ground when dormant to provide spring flowers year after year.

An Image of a white Ranunculus flower with rose-pink on the petal edges.
An Image of a yellow Ranunculus flower with pink on the petal edges.
An Image of mixed colored Ranunculus flowers in pink and white
An Image of an orange Ranunculus flower with red on the petal edges.

Is it too late in the year to plant?


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